(727) 955-3550


Empower your BDC Team with STELLA

STELLA answers every call on the first ring.

Each call is handled with consistent, professional dealership branding.  No longer will BDRs miss customer inquiries during those peak time frames.  With STELLA, every call is answered. Every time.

STELLA delivers three major impacts to a dealership's internal BDC department.

Outbound calls increase

BDRs spend between 50-80% of their day answering inbound calls. With STELLA, repetitive and tedious calls are handled. BDRs can utilize their phone skills training to reach more prospects and service customers, generate more business and earn higher commissions.

Business grows

Automotive industry studies indicate that 27% of BDR calls result in hard appointments. Why limit a BDRs time with inbound calls for oil changes? Once STELLA starts answering the phones, BDRs start focusing on outbound dials.

Voicemail messages drop

STELLA works 24/7/365. That kind of coverage guarantees that calls on the weekends, holidays, and overnight will be handled. Voicemails are instantly reduced. No longer must customers wait until Monday morning to call regarding a problem that occurred over the weekend.

STELLA answers multiple calls on the first ring.  Your Service Advisors can focus on your customers without worrying about the phone ringing.  STELLA will answer every call.  Every time.

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3001 North Rocky Point Drive East

Suite #200

Tampa, FL 33607
